1. Name of the Firm
Green Peak Holdings ltd.
2. Year of Establishment
3. Mailing Address
House: 1154, Road: 9/A, Avenue: 11, Mirpur DOHS, Dhaka-1216.
4. Communication
Telephone : +88 02 8080853
E-mail Address : [email protected]
Web address : www.greenpeakbd.com
5. Nature of Business
Private Limited Company
6. Country of Incorporation
7. Registration Number & Place
No. C-96814/11, Dhaka, Bangladesh
8. Trade License Number
Dhaka South City Corporation, No. 046033
9. TIN Number
461041690394/, Circle-205, Zone-10 (Companies)
10. Value Added Tax (VAT) Registration Number
11. Professional Affiliations and Enlistment
1. Real Estate and Housing Association of Bangladesh (REHAB)
2. Dhaka Chambers of Commerce Industries (DCCI)
3. Bangladesh Indenting Agents Association (BIAA)
Enlisted With :
1. Military Engineer Service (MES)
2. Rajdhani Unnayan Kotripakhyo (RAJUK)
3. Civil Aviation Authority of Bangladesh (CAAB)
4. Border Guard Bangladesh (BGB)
5. Ansar and VDP
6. Biman Bangladesh Airlines
7. Central Mechanical Transport Depot (CMTD)
8. Directorate General Defence Purchase (DGDP)
12. Name of Bankers
1. Trust Bank Ltd. Mirpur Branch, Dhaka
2. Prime Bank Ltd. Panthopoth Branch, Dhaka
3. Bank Al Falah, Mirpur Branch, Dhaka
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